Wow! I'm cutting it close. I finished my fifth painting for 2010. I have one minute to upload it on my blog. Oops! Now it's midnight. I still reached my goal. I've just been struggling to upload my picture. This is a painting of my neice. I hope she doesn't mind, since it's a surprise. I had a great time painting it and learned a ton.
The name of the painting is from a verse in Proverbs 3:15 "She is more precious than rubies; and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her".
I've really been thinking about Proverbs 31:10 all week as I've been painting my neice. It says, "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies". It's true that virtue is rare nowadays - but is still is worth far more than rubies. Our bodies are an incredible gift given to us from God. I'd like my art to portray young women in a way that respects them and their worth as a child of God. I'd love to see all women come to know how special they are and that they are daughters of God.
We are asked to be light to the world - a light that can lead others to Christ. He will fill our lives with the peace and happiness we're seeking and a love of self and others. Since we all sin and become unclean He makes us clean and new again as we repent. No matter how many times - He'll never give up on us. He is our creator and loves us unconditionally. When he looks at all His children he is filled with love for every one. He wants us to repent and follow Him because He knows it will make us happy. Young women are so special to Him. As we look at them as He does we see beautiful individuals of eternal worth, with incredible Godgiven potential. Can you imagine the pain He feels when the world portrays them as objects to be used? And even more so when a young women sees herself that way and believes that's all anyone could want her for.
Young women are people who are loved and cherished by God, Mothers, Fathers, family, friends, etc. They can and do contribute so much good to the world. They should be respected and valued. Not used or abused. So lets do what we can to help them see themselves as special and valuable. Young women should know their value. They are truly masterpieces of God's creations and should be treated that way.
nice job she even likes it and she ....... keep up the great work steve