Monday, June 28, 2010

The Art Spirit

Since I love art and want to be an artist I've been reading "The Art Spirit" by Robert Henri, which an artist recommended to me. It's been a pretty difficult book to follow. At times it makes me wonder if I could ever be a good artist since his advice seems so incredibly complicated. But I've enjoyed the many profound statements he's made and they are really making an impact on me. One that I read this morning made sense to me. He said, "Perhaps mental inactivity is the most fatiguing thing in the world". As I read this it became really clear to me the truth of it. I've wondered so often why I'm so tired. Then I look back and remember the different kind of tired I was when I was in college. I loved learning every day, stretching my mind to exhaustion sometimes. There was such a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

I thought of a statement my Doctor made about how most women, especially stay home moms complain about being very tired all the time I realize how mental inactivity probably applies. I know as a mom my mind stays very occupied on the myriad of things I need to do - it often seems like my mind never gets to rest or think deeply about anything. That's why it's such a glorious time to lay in bed at night when everyone is finally asleep and have the freedom to think about whatever I want to think about. The business of mind most moms experience is not the same as learning something that requires deep thought and attention. I am always happier when I take some time in my day to read or study or paint. I feel so much more energy and excitement for life.

Another statement that Robert Henri made that I loved is, "It is a big job to know oneself...The only men who are interesting to themselves and to others are those who have been willing to meet themselves squarely. The works of the masters are what they are because they are evidences from men who dared to be like themselves. It cost most of them dearly, but it was worthwhile. They were interesting to themselves, and now they are interesting to us". How many people do you know who are truly themselves? Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all were? So much of what we do is often to please others. What is your passion? What do you love?

I've been noticing lately as I've been reading the Art Spirit and trying to develop an artistic spirit how many more moments of "awe" I'm experiencing - an incredible moment where the shapes an colors of the light and shadows up the street caught my eye, as I was playing outside with the kids. Even my 11 year old son felt it as I pointed and said, "Look!" He said, "Wow!" No other words needed to be said. Look for the magical in your life. Instead of walking around like a zombie which we often do open yourself up to the wonder around you like a little child.

Last night I prayed and prayed that God would hear my prayer and help me find a way to make some money to pay the bills. This morning I got a phone call from a woman looking for day care. She has two kids - a six year old girl and an 8 year old boy with autism. I felt goosebumps as we talked and came to know they attend the same school as my kids. Having a son with autism myself I feel a deep tenderness for those sweet little kids and a reverence for them and what they go through in life. I feel that the Lord heard my prayer and probably hers too.

Life is incredible! Especially when we see the Lord's hands in so many of the details. He has really given us everything we need to live a life of deep joy, peace and love. We need to recognize it and appreciate it and praise Him for it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Laila! That is incredible and truely and and answer to a prayer. I am so inspired by all the things you write about in your blog. You have a soft place in your heart and will be able to have an impact on these two other kids in a way that maybe someone else may not be able to. You are a wonderful mom and i look up to you and admire you. ~Sarah
